E-mail: yahavalo@tauex.tau.ac.il ; yahava@gmail.com
School of Mathematical Sciences
Sackler Faculty of Exact Sciences
About me
I am a PhD student in Tel Aviv University, studying random graphs. My advisor is Michael Krivelevich.
My CV can be found Here.
Random graph's Hamiltonicity is strongly tied to its minimum degree.
Joint with Michael Krivelevich.
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 27 (2020), publ. 1.30.Finding a Hamilton cycle fast on average using rotations and extensions.
Joint with Michael Krivelevich. Random Structures & Algorithms 57 (2020), 32-46.Hitting time of edge disjoint Hamilton cycles in random subgraph processes on dense base graphs.
Joint with Michael Krivelevich. SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 36 (1), 728-754.Cycle lengths in sparse random graphs. Joint with Michael Krivelevich and Eyal Lubetzky. Random Structures & Algorithms 61 (3), 444-461.
Spanning trees at the connectivity threshold. Joint with Michael Krivelevich and Peleg Michaeli. SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 36 (3), 1612-1626.
The global resilience of Hamiltonicity in G(n,p). Submitted.
Hamilton completion and the path cover number of sparse random graphs.
Hamilton completion and the path cover number of G(n,p). The 20th International Conference on Random Structures and Algorithms, Gniezno, August 2022.
Two-round Ramsey games. HUJI combinatorics seminar, May 2022.
Two-round Ramsey games. Research seminar in combinatorics, Tel Aviv university, October 2021.
Cycle lengths in sparse random graphs. Research seminar in combinatorics, Tel Aviv university, November 2020.
Hitting time of edge disjoint Hamilton cycles in random subgraph processes. Warwick combinatorics seminar. June 2020.
Hitting time of disjoint Hamilton cycles in random subgraph processes. FUB-TAU joint workshop, March 2020.
Finding Hamilton cycles fast on average using rotations-extensions. The 19th International Conference on Random Structures and Algorithms, ETH Zurich, July 2019.
Finding Hamilton cycles fast on average using rotations-extensions. Research seminar in combinatorics, Tel Aviv university, June 2019.
Teaching (Tel Aviv University)
Intro to discrete mathematics for engineers.
Linear Algebra for computer science and statistics (Teaching assistant).
Linear Algebra for mathematics (Teaching assistant).
Linear Algebra II for computer science and statistics (Teaching assistant).
Intro to probability theory (Teaching assistant).
Grading: Linear Algebra, Linear Algebra II, Calculus III, Number Theory, Introduction to Combinatorics, Basic Combinatorics, Graph theory.